For you first time visitors let me say this is a work in progress. We have started small and hope to get bigger and more comprehensive in our coverage of DUNGEON 52. We hope to add the Batteries we worked with and hopefully be a source to aid in contacting friends and comrades who served during this time period. All additional information is welcome.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


I do not know how many battalions there are in a regiment but there was a 6/33 FA in VN assigned to another AO. Had the same unit patch as 2/33.
Another member of A Battery did some research on 2/33 a couple of years ago and I cannot remember what he found out. I will encourage him to share his findings with us.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Great Idea

Great idea. Good job on getting this started. On the BRO site it is hard to find and connect with other Arty Alums. We needed a site like this.
If I remember right Lai Khe Artillery had operational control over all artillery in 2nd Brigade's AO.
I remember mostly batteries of 2/33 and 8/6. Please correct me if I am wrong.

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Leave any information you believe would be helpful as a comment here.


I heard a rumor from a local Army/Civil War History Buff that the 2/33 was disbanded in 1979. It was joined with the 1/33 Missile Defense Unit. Has anyone else heard anything? I tried to contact the 1/33 Arty in Germany but no response from anyone I e-mailed.

Sunday, April 22, 2007


How ironic that you found Lt. Franzoni. Yesterday Isent an e-mail to friends of mine who are Universityof Virginia alumnae. I know Franzoni went to UVAbecause he used to talk about the wild frat parties. Iasked my friends to check with the alumni associationfor Franzoni's address - a moot point now.We will certainly toast him in absentia.I will have to dig out the list of names I have andshare them with you and Del. Maybe we can come up witha few more addresses.On another subject: Where does your son bar tend inNew York? I go into NYC fairly often. I have a son inschool there. Maybe I'll stop in and say hello to yourson.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Foxtrot, Romeo, Foxtrot

Fred R. Franzoni III
Birth Date: 1 May 1945
Death Date: 1 Jul 2001
Service Start Date: 18 Mar 1967
Service End Date: 28 Feb 1989
Interment Date: 28 Jun 2002
Cemetery: Arlington National Cemetery
Cemetery Address: C/O Director Arlington, VA 22211
Buried At: Section 35 Site 246