For you first time visitors let me say this is a work in progress. We have started small and hope to get bigger and more comprehensive in our coverage of DUNGEON 52. We hope to add the Batteries we worked with and hopefully be a source to aid in contacting friends and comrades who served during this time period. All additional information is welcome.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

2nd Battalion, 33rd Field Artillery (1960s to Present) - Unit Pages

2nd Battalion, 33rd Field Artillery (1960s to Present) - Unit Pages


Unknown said...

2nd 33rd FA. had a great time Wiley Barracks-'73 to '76.

phil vessello said...

i was assigned to hq 2/33 arty nov 1966 to april 69 in Vietnam , was attached to 1/16th inf as RTO (244K) for FO for 8 months then went to Ben Cat with ARVNs, last 3 months ran NCO club

Lou Stralka said...

I was assigned to the Headquarters battery in September 1968 as an RTO 13E20. I was transferred me to another unit in February 1969

Anonymous said...

I noticed on the main page that my name appeared under the "need sitreps for". Not sure what that means. You can e-mail me at LouStralka@charter.net. Sorry about FRF being deceased. I tried to find McQueen in the past but was unsuccessful. I only have fond memories of my time in Lai Khe

LTC (ret) John McKeever said...

In '66 I was an FO with A Btry assigned to A/2/2 Inf. After 6 mos. I became CO of A Btry. In subsequent tours I served with 6/15th Arty, 41st Arty Group and A/301 5th SF Group. My time with A/33 was the best in terms of comradeship, professionalism and dedication.

Anonymous said...

Col (Ret) Dennis McSweeney:
I commanded C Btry, 2/33 Artillery
August 1967- June 1968. Am looking for information regarding Battle of Ong Thanh October 1967. We supported that battle in which 2/28 Infantry took a beating. I am trying to obtain logs that 2/33 TOC would have maintained during the battle.

C Gable said...

I was with the HSSB 2/33 in JAN 68- JAN 69 ,JAN -March was with Battalion supply , Mach I was reasigned to Laison as LAISON specialist as 24 tango with 1/16 Charile co. Worked with Captian Bare who made major and the captain Ducell ,spec.4 Mike Horn and Pfc. Green . Had a dog there Named Short Round ,had to leave him .Master SGT. Smith with the 16th. Took him . I stayed in service I till October 70.

Unknown said...

I'm looking for FO/RTO who was with A-1-16 Infantry during the battle of June 17th, 1967 (Xom Bo II) during Operation Billings. There will be a presentation of the battle and memorial service at the 1st Infantry Division reunion in Chicago on June 17th, 2015. We would like the FO or RTO to participate because the 2-33 guns saved our asses. I wrote a book with two chapters that cover the battle. It's on Amazon. The title is "Content With My Wages, A Sergeant's Story: Book I-Vietnam." I can be reached at greghmurry@gmail.com and 512-296-8639

David Hearne said...

T0 Col (Ret) Dennis McSweeney:
I was your fire direction officer during that battle of Ong Thanh. For me it was a very horrible battle because I was shooting for the Infantry Company that i had previously served as a FO.
If you would like to contact me, feel free to call me at 409-656-4625 or write to me at David@David-Hearne.com. I am working on a book of what happened with Xom BO II.
I am searching for the name of my Kilo (RTO) that was assigned to me during the battle of XOM BO II. I have pictures of him, but I cannot remember his name. My call sign then was Dungeon 97. I would also be interested in what my call sign would have been during the battle of Ong Thanh.. I don't remember it. Would love to talk to you. Former CPT David Hearne.

Anonymous said...

Looking for any information and or unit pictures for my wife's uncle Sidney Holman. He was with A Battery, 2d Battalion, 33rd artillery. Vietnam June 1965- June-July 1966.

Please feel free to email ngoff@hotmail.com or the gmail if it shows on the header.

Thank you all,


Unknown said...

Was with 2/33 in 70 as an RTO for Lt. Hart A 1/2 infantry for a couple months before the 1/2 stood down to DEROS

Anonymous said...


I work in the collections department at the 1st Infantry Division Museum at Cantigny Park in Wheaton, IL. We recently acquired a brass lion service award with a plaque that reads:

“Drumfire ‘6’ from Officers of Dungeon 2/33 Artillery Lai Khe RVN 1968-1969.”

The lion stands about 6'' tall and is 12'' long mounted on a wooden base. Next to the plaque is the 1st ID's insignia and the 33rd Field Artillery's distinctive unit insignia. If anyone knows anything about this award we would love to hear from you. My email is kmathers@fdmuseum.org.


Don A Kittle said...

I was in c batt 2/33 Lai Khe from Jan 69 to feb 70 assigned to d 2/28 inf as fo kilo till july went back to c batt till feb 70.Like to here from anyone who remembers me.

Unknown said...

I was Dungeon Charlie 6 just before you. Had it Dec 66 to July 67. Proud outfit.

SGT Peter Schwarz said...

I was assigned to C Btry 2nd Bn 33rd Arty June 1965 to July 1966. My truck was hit by an artillery round south of Bau Bang on 30 July 1966. I was shown a picture of the truck while I was in the 3rd Field Hospital in Saigon. Does anyone remember the incident?

Pete Schwarz said...

I failed to leave my name when trying to get information about the "friendly fire" incident on July 30, 1966 at AP Bau Bang. I was known as SGT Schwarz on gun #4. I also acted as the motor sergeant for a brief time. You can contact me be email at peter1pat2@gmail.com. It's been a long time and I'm 80 years old now and that incident remains in my thoughts forever. Welcome Home!

Jim Wadlington said...

I was FDO and then XO of A Battery June 69 June 70. I wish now I had gotten names and home addresses of those I served with as I think of them often.

Wayne R. Keeler (MAJ, USA, Retired) said...


My Uncle Richard Keeler was in A BTY for sure… found his notes…

Basic at Ft Knox in ‘65
Looks like he did AIT at F BTY, 3rd TRNG BN at Fort Sill, the assigned to
A BTY, 2-33FA (8” SP Guns?) in ‘66

Also, based on photos, was friends with a Darrell Bernard and his NCO was maybe a SGT Henry.

From the photos, it also looks like his FO Team was with C/2-2IN and he was in Lai Khe (lots of pics from the airfield), Ben Din So, Battle of My That, and another 10 hr long fight where “198 VC dead… 23 GIs Dead” ( he wrote on the picture). He also noted PFC Jankie “got it with 2 days left before going home…” May that was the Ap Bau Bang fight?

Sad. I had similar experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Anyway - if anyone would like me to scan in the pics and share them via email or whatever, please send me an email at wayle68@yahoo.com.

SGT Peter Schwarz said...

I'm still trying to find someone who knows anything about the friendly fire incident south of Ap Bau Bang on July 30, 1966. C Btry/2nd Bn/33rd Arty.

Anonymous said...

What battery?

Robert Eichling said...

I was with the 2/22fa from june 69 to apr 70. I was the ammo officer, LNO to the 2/28 and 1/26 inf and the s-2. I was also in the 2/33 in new ulu from 1973 to 1976. I have a partial list of the wounded from the 30 july friendly fire incident. my email is reichling1945@yahoo.com. would love to hear from any of you. In new Ulm I was the svc. battery commander.