For you first time visitors let me say this is a work in progress. We have started small and hope to get bigger and more comprehensive in our coverage of DUNGEON 52. We hope to add the Batteries we worked with and hopefully be a source to aid in contacting friends and comrades who served during this time period. All additional information is welcome.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Great Idea

Great idea. Good job on getting this started. On the BRO site it is hard to find and connect with other Arty Alums. We needed a site like this.
If I remember right Lai Khe Artillery had operational control over all artillery in 2nd Brigade's AO.
I remember mostly batteries of 2/33 and 8/6. Please correct me if I am wrong.


Mac said...

Your right. We also had base defense for Lai Khe. I'm hoping we get some guys here that remember more than I do.

dungeon2 said...

Actually lai kke arty was only the air warning net for the 3rd Bde AO and it was in the 2/33 TOC. 2/33 TOC/FDC had the operational control of all the arty in the 3rd Bde AO.